Rebecca Coleman Rebecca Coleman Green Man icon Green Man icon
I'm thrilled that I have three pieces excepted for the Society of Graphic Fine Art's 104th Exhibition. The three wood engravings are: View Subterranea : St Paul's Boxwood (18x12 cm) The letter 'A' Boxwood (10x8 cm) The letters 'G&R' Boxwood (9x7 cm) The exhibition is at the Mall Galleries in London and opens 10th March. #woodengraving @drawingsocietyuk @societyofwoodengravers
1 week ago
I think my wood engraving of Finsbury Park is now finished. I'll put it aside for a couple of days and make a final decision 🧐 Its engraved on boxwood (15x12 cm) #finsburypark #londonunderground @ltmuseum @societyofwoodengravers @societyofgraphicfineart
2 weeks ago
Rebecca Coleman sgfa
Rebecca works in a variety of media and has exhibited work at some of the country's most iconic locations — the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts, the Mall Galleries, and in Cork Street — and with distinguished organisations including the Society of Wood Engravers and the Royal Society of British Artists. She also regularly exhibits at other galleries across the UK and beyond, and in 2014 she was elected to the Society of Graphic Fine Art.